Safcode Institute by Sir Safder

Test Your Programming Skills with Safcode!

Here is all important interview / exams questions.
Student doing practice apptitude test on safcode platform.
Instruction: "Total Number of Questions: 20
Each question carry 10 mark , no negative marking"

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Is used to display the Title for table at the top
Is used to display the Title for table at the bottom

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To only store information about search engines
To only store information usually relevant to browsers
To store information usually relevant to browsers and search engines
To store information about external links

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Closed Tag
Ending Tag
Forward Tag
Starting Tag

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XML is used for exchanging data, HTML is not
HTML can have user defined tags, XML cannot
None of these
HTML is used for exchanging data, XML is not.

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Document type definition
Document type data
Definition type document
Data type definition

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Auto Buffer

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Hyper Tech Markup Language
None of these
Hyper Text Markup Language
Hyper Text Makeup Language

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Data oriented model
Document object model
Document Oriented model
Data object model

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each engine produces different results
all web users prefer this technique
They will avoid false information
they will avoid repetition of information

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