Safcode Institute by Sir Safder

  • Audio and Video Tags

    <h2>Audio Tag in HTML</h2>
    The audio tag is used to play an audio file
    like mp3, ogg and wav files. 
    The audio tag has many attributes like controls, autoplay,
     loop, muted, src, preload.
    You can use this type of audio file in your website,
    so you should be used the type format in source tag.
    Type Format
    MP3	audio/mpeg
    Ogg	audio/ogg
    Wav	audio/wav
    Here are some examples:
    Audio tag with controls attribute:
    <audio controls>
      <source src="abc.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
    Controls Attribute:
    Without controls attribute you cannot be seeing the 
    audio player mean you can’t be play, pause, stop, increase or
    decrease volume without controls option. 
    Autoplay Attribute:
    Autoplay attribute automatically playing your audio file.
    <audio controls autoplay>
      <source src="abc.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
    <h2>Video Tag in HTML</h2>
    The video tag is used to play a video in your website. 
    Video tag supports three types format:
    Type Format
    MP4	video/mp4
    WebM	video/webm
    Ogg	video/ogg
    <video width="320" height="240" controls>
      <source src="feedback.mp4" type="video/mp4">

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